
Let’s make a great first impression! Your user profile reflects not only you, but your company as well. Freelancers like to pick their clients on their own, so how about we make a profile that stands out?

  • Upload a profile pic
  • Give a short intro
  • Fill out your contact details

Here's how to do it.

Setting up profile and cover image 

Click on your name to the right side of the header. You will then see your still empty profile. Upload your profile and cover photo by clicking on the images. Then you can change your mind. Then change it again. Fortunately, you can do this as many times as you want, forever.

Just a note: The cover image measures 1267x177 and the profile image 600x600. The image will be cropped to this size, aligned to the centre.


Our freelancers are all unique snowflakes, and they like to work with ones as well! Introduce yourself in a few sentences, so they can already sense that this will be a great project! Click on Edit and dive in at the popup window.

Just so you know: Better safe than not saving. If you are editing the introduction, never forget to save it, otherwise the previous version will remain and the update will be lost.

Company details

Just so you know: Company data can only be changed by a user with Superadmin privileges.

You can see your company details by clicking on the gear in the top bar and you can change them with the appropriate authorisation.

Just so you know: Always save after changing the data.
Just so you know: If company details change, the details of existing contracts will not follow.

Personal details

Don’t worry, it’s just the basics.

In the personal data menu, you can set or change your:

  • First and last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

These contacts are the ones where we will send all the good news to! So make sure they are the right ones.

Just so you know: Better safe than not saving. If you edit your personal details, never forget to save it, otherwise the previous version will remain and the update will be lost.

Company info

You can see the company details by clicking on the gear in the top bar. This information will also be included in the contract. 

Good to know: This information can only be changed by the superadmin.
Just so you know: Better save than sorry. If you have changed your company details in the system as a super admin, always click the save button, otherwise - surprise surprise - the changes will be lost.
Just a note: No data in the previous contracts will be changed. The documents created after the backup will contain the new data.